
I believe in accessibility and equity. That’s why I use a low-cost sliding scale fee structure. How much I charge is based on your income and funding resources.

I trust that you will be honest in your assessment of how much you pay. I also offer NDIS billing for self-managed and plan-managed participants and have payment options for other third-party agencies/organisations with brokerage/funding. I bill per 50-minute session.

Please note that ICC does not currently offer a Medicare rebate.

For information about Consulting and Educational Workshop fees, please get in touch!

Funded by a third-party organisation/agency

$180 per session

Earning above $80k

$140 per session

Earning between $60-80k

$120 per session

Earning between $40-60k

$100 per session

Earning between $20-40k

$80 per session

Earning under $20k

$60 per session