Working with your brain, not against it

A safe space for queer and neurodivergent self-discovery, where your voice is heard, and your experiences are valued.

We’ll work together on the things that are important to you. Whether it's navigating life transitions, managing mental health challenges, or building coping strategies, I'm here to support you every step of the way.

Choose what works best for you: in-office sessions, home visits, walk-and-talk therapy, or telehealth appointments.

Therapy with someone who gets it

As a non-binary, queer, and AuDHD person, I know how important it is to feel seen and heard in a world that often overlooks our unique experiences. I hope that by being my authentic self around you, you feel safe to open up and embrace your own authenticity with me.

Together, we'll create a supportive and affirming space where you can truly be yourself and thrive.

What I can help with

  • I see people ages 8+ for individual therapy. In our 60-minute session, we'll work together on the areas of your life that you may be struggling with.

  • This type of support is sometimes called case management. It may be helpful during times when you feel stuck, isolated, or like life is too chaotic to manage alone.

  • A place to connect with community and find your people.

  • I provide tailored consulting and/or workshops for organisations, businesses, and community groups.

I regularly support people with:

  • Mental health

  • Gender identity, sexuality, and relationships

  • Self-worth, values, and reaching your goals

  • Getting to know your neurodivergent brain and recovery from burnout

  • Trauma-informed care and support navigating complex situations and systems

What people say about ICC

“Your service has honestly given me hope, in other humans and for our family, in a way that previous support providers have not. Thankyou for starting ICC.”

“It’s positive, it’s inviting and it’s changing the lives of people.”

“Thanks for being here, I grew up here with nothing much for people like me and now things are happening it’s so amazing.”

“Honestly, just the f*cking best.”